#HolaBarcelona (13) 「大景無止境」
無睇Game of Thrones,不過聽講唔少人慕名而來呢個位於赫羅納(Girona)嘅拍攝場景,鐘意影建築嘅話,Girona Cathedral 應該用嚟影Spatial photos,將來再用Vision Pro之類嘅Gadget睇返應該都好震撼下。
Haven't watched Game of Thrones, but I've heard many come to this location in Girona for its fame. For those who adore architectural photography, Girona Cathedral is a prime spot for capturing spatial photos. Revisiting these shots with gadgets like Vision Pro would surely offer a stunning experience.
#GironaCathedral #GameOfThronesLocation #ArchitecturalPhotography #Girona #Catalonia #TravelSpain #HistoricArchitecture #GothicArchitecture #SpatialPhotography #TechInTravel #VisionProExperience #EndlessVistas