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#HolaBarcelona (9) 「城景」🏞️ 聽同事說巴塞羅那郊外的Tibidabo遊樂園可以看到這座城市的全景,捨難取易要近距離俯瞰全景的話,位於城市...

#HolaBarcelona (9) 「城景」🏞️
聽同事說巴塞羅那郊外的Tibidabo遊樂園可以看到這座城市的全景,捨難取易要近距離俯瞰全景的話,位於城市之丘的加泰羅尼亞國家藝術博物館也不錯,穿越宏偉的Torres Venecianes紀念碑,沿著寬廣的大道直上,就可以來到博物館,過門而不入,享受「有風就有景」的一刻。

heard from colleague that the Tibidabo amusement park on the outskirts of Barcelona offers a panoramic view of the city. For an up-close look at the cityscape, the National Art Museum of Catalonia, located on a hill in the city, is also a great choice. Passing through the majestic Torres Venecianes monuments and up the wide avenue, you can reach the museum. Without entering, you can enjoy the moment of 'where there's wind, there's a view', and even catch a glimpse of the Sagrada Familia in the last frame.

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