隔離Queen’s House 每年11月例行開設溜冰場,每日4點半入黑以後就是人潮的頂峰時刻,fing來fing去的紫紅螢光綠色燈光,温馨又懷舊的串燒聖誕組曲,夾雜在mulled wine, 熱朱古力,Mac&Cheese和熱狗的空氣,像極了八九十年代我所認知「溜冰滾軸」的主旋律,可是這裡是一年一度從沒有變過,最大的不同可能是屁孩們轉抽了電子煙,還有是熱狗多了Vegan的選項。
還有那些非宗教色彩聖誕派對的夜夜笙歌,人們來Queen’s House來個night visit,大概是一家大細在宮裡四處放蕩和看畫,還有進出有人短講的房間,大堂請了位亞洲來的女樂手彈奏豎琴,古典音樂之間竟然彈了一首,月亮代表我的心,當下我跟旁邊人說,啊,竟然。不過對於所有來者,這樣的聖誕派對重點依然是,一杯又一杯的酒,還有好像可以不停拿走的薯片和honey walnut,保持禮貌地。
相比起Queen’s House 的熱鬧,隔了一條馬路的Naval College就有點冰冷。
特別是這棵在廣場中心暗中發光的聖誕樹,然後我發現隔著一條泰晤士河的對岸河邊,也有一棵暗中發光的聖誕樹,他們就好像那些在聖誕中獨自嚮往的人,在大家都談論去了winter wonderland沒有的時候,他們在尋求一種平靜。
The Christmas party defying rumors
Since November, the festive Christmas spirit has filled the air. People buy trees, adorn homes, and discuss gift choices. Queen's House hosts its annual ice rink, a peak crowd attraction after 4:30 PM. Vibrant lights, nostalgic Christmas tunes, and scents of mulled wine, hot chocolate, and hot dogs create an 80s-90s roller skating vibe. Notably, kids now vape, and Vegan hot dog options abound.
Non-religious Christmas parties at Queen's House feature night visits, art admiration, and harp melodies. Amidst classical tunes, a surprising rendition of "The Moon Represents My Heart" adds an unexpected touch. However, the core of these parties remains uninterrupted drinks and a constant supply of chips and honey walnuts, consumed with courtesy.
Contrasting Queen's House's liveliness, Naval College, just across the street, feels colder. A subtly glowing Christmas tree in the square captures attention. Notably, across the Thames, another glowing tree stands, reminiscent of those seeking tranquility amid the Christmas hustle, finding solace in their own way.