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#Hej哥本哈根 (1) 「哥本哈根式哈囉喂」🎃 👻 已經很久沒去過主題樂園,在哥本哈根的第一個晚上,有香港朋友介紹我不要錯過市內這座有180年歷史的Tivo...

#Hej哥本哈根 (1) 「哥本哈根式哈囉喂」🎃 👻

已經很久沒去過主題樂園,在哥本哈根的第一個晚上,有香港朋友介紹我不要錯過市內這座有180年歷史的Tivoli,就連迪士尼也受到這座遊樂場的設計所啟發,堪稱世界上最古老的主題樂園之一,聽到形容為「最古老」,加上我們晚飯到九點鐘才進去,原本以為會是一座充滿懷舊味滿滿的「茘園」遊樂園,一切出乎意料,Tivoli 比城裡還要熱鬧,加上園區換了萬聖節主題 ,裝飾很有art sense(他們的art team 應該是高手),機動遊戲也不落人後,速度感、官能刺激,從四方八面傳來的驚叫聲可以感受到,雖然只是走馬看花,轉個彎有歌舞劇院,忽然又見幻彩燈光秀、南瓜人,東方庭園、孔雀開屏,夜繽粉,酒,薄餅,老虎機,wagamama,成就了這個童話世界的夢幻。



Copenhagen in Halloween
On the first night in Copenhagen, my friends from Hong Kong recommended that I don't miss the 180-year-old Tivoli in the city. Even Disney took inspiration from this amusement park's design. It's considered one of the oldest theme parks in the world. When I heard it described as "the oldest," and We went there at late 9 pm, I expected a nostalgic, old-fashioned park. Surprisingly, Tivoli was livelier than the city itself. The decorations were filled with Halloween elements and so artsy. The rides were no less thrilling, providing a sense of speed and sensory excitement. The screams from all directions were proof of that.
Even though I only scratched the surface, there was a theatre around every corner, sudden light shows, pumpkin people, an Oriental garden, peacocks, and a night filled with colours, drinks, pizza, slot machines, Wagamama – all combining to create a dreamy fairytale world.
No horror in the Halloween park. But on another day, I passed by a children's playground in the city with the themes of crashed planes and bumper boats, I found it a bit peculiar.

#northernadventure #visitdenmark #visitcopenhagen