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「始終一天」 科幻小說 FOE 最近被拍成電影,找來Saoirse Ronan和Paul Mescal演出,講2065年的未來世界,有一對隱居與世隔絕的夫婦被一...

科幻小說 FOE 最近被拍成電影,找來Saoirse Ronan和Paul Mescal演出,講2065年的未來世界,有一對隱居與世隔絕的夫婦被一位不速之客到訪,男主角被選中到太空進行任務,為免夫婦被拆散,專員跟隨兩人收集心事和生活數據,安排男主角出行前製造個一模一樣的AI替身,從此一切陷入混亂之中。


The science fiction novel "FOE" has recently been adapted into a movie, starring Saoirse Ronan and Paul Mescal. It's set in the future world of 2065, where a reclusive couple is visited by an unexpected guest. The man is selected for a space mission, and in order to prevent the couple from being separated, a specialist follows them to collect their thoughts and life data. They create an identical AI duplicate of the male protagonist before his journey, leading to chaos.

Somehow, this world exists in only a single moment among all the possibilities in the metaverse. We should believe that all the beauty is realized somewhere.