social hub raydiohead

「Bucket list」 五月終於迎來了風和日麗的天氣,想起去年夏天和友人坐火車到 Whitstable 的海邊吃海鮮。 口袋清單還有Cornwall 和 B...

「Bucket list」
五月終於迎來了風和日麗的天氣,想起去年夏天和友人坐火車到 Whitstable 的海邊吃海鮮。
口袋清單還有Cornwall 和 Brighton都未去過,希望今年可以到海邊走走。

May finally brings the pleasant weather with gentle breeze and sunny days. It reminds me of last summer when I took a train with my friends to Whitstable Beach to enjoy seafood.

On my bucket list, I haven't vis...

「mur mur」 Capture the fleeting moments of our lives and reveal the beauty in the...

「mur mur」
Capture the fleeting moments of our lives and reveal the beauty in the spaces between us.

#EastLondon #LondonLife #StreetArt #CityLife #Cityscape #UrbanPhotography #Culture #LocalLife #MyNeighborhood #NeighborhoodLove #LondonHistory #LondonCulture #EastEnd #StreetLife #CityCulture #LocalCulture #CityVibes...

「mur mur」 Capture the fleeting moments of our lives and reveal the beauty in the...

「mur mur」
Capture the fleeting moments of our lives and reveal the beauty in the spaces between us.

#EastLondon #LondonLife #StreetArt #CityLife #Cityscape #UrbanPhotography #Culture #LocalLife #MyNeighborhood #NeighborhoodLove #LondonHistory #LondonCulture #EastEnd #StreetLife #CityCulture #LocalCulture #CityVibes...

「#watchedlist (Apr 2023)」 WAVE MAKERS, TAIWAN, 2023 GODLAND, Denmark & Iceland,...

「#watchedlist (Apr 2023)」

GODLAND, Denmark & Iceland, 2022
ONE FINE MORNING, France & Germany, 2022
BEEF, United states, 2023
SUZUME, Japan, 2022
HUNGER, Thailand, 2023
HOW TO BLOW UP A PIPELINE, United States, 2022
GOD'S CREATURES, United Kingdom & United States, 2022

On my days off, I l...

「路上聽著邊走邊唱」 望著陌生的廣告  就像熟悉的宣佈 滑落沒風沙的國度 不往現場,一切都沒有錯過,隨身聽著一個又一個唱著我們都是這樣長大的歌,我們攤開雙臂,...

望著陌生的廣告  就像熟悉的宣佈


#LondonLife #CityWanderer #RoyalCoronation #StreetWisdom #GodSaveTheKing #KingCharlesiii

「五月」 在搖搖欲墜的日子裏,來了場盛大氣派的皇室事件,充滿金牛座精神的氛圍。 In the days of instability, a grand and...


In the days of instability, a grand and majestic royal event took place, filled with the spirit of Taurus.

#LondonLife #CityWanderer #RoyalCoronation #StreetWisdom #GodSaveTheKing #KingCharlesiii

Brew LDN Craft beer party #craftbeer #...

Brew LDN
Craft beer party

#craftbeer #londonstreets #londondiaries #londonfoodies #londonbylondoners #londonlifestyle #london #ilovelondon

🇬🇧 LONDON CAFES SPECIAL ☕️ 封存一整年的 Instagram 要解封了! 一直有朋友問我搬來倫敦後還有沒有出外飲咖啡啊?倫敦無咩好飲...


封存一整年的 Instagram 要解封了!

Many of my friends have been asking me if I still go out for coffee since I moved to London. They also wonder if there are any good coffee shops in London or any shops worth taking pictures ...

「一年」 最近街上又因為國王登基日熱鬧起來,民眾雖不至於前女王鑽禧紀念那時般雀躍,沒比較的話在倫敦市內散步還是可以感受到氣氛。 說起來,今天也是來到倫敦生活剛...


說起來,今天也是來到倫敦生活剛好一年的日子,想起去年在倫敦北面Zone 5的小區住在bnb一個月,大概是因為跟中城區有點距離,就算坐車進去也動輒一兩個鐘頭,一時間由繁忙擠逼的城市去到入夜就不見人的街區,雖然住在車站附近,望著過百個車站的鐵路網摸索每日不同的路線找房子,著實有種強烈的流浪感受。

我這個喜歡散步的人,也開始每日在街上驗證著移英前後四方八面的道聽塗說,有些好話是假的,有些恐懼是純粹過於防備, 每個人的喜惡和際遇都有差別,所謂生存之道有時候都沒有參考價值,不過可以跟搬來這邊或者來英國玩的香...

「富士山私有」 諗起以前做proposal揾stockphoto同揾designer砌圖做餐死嘅日子。 雖然AI 畫圖嘅成品未必可以商用直出,用嚟做參考草稿都真...

雖然AI 畫圖嘅成品未必可以商用直出,用嚟做參考草稿都真係簡單快捷得多,以後大家裝修間屋、買衫set頭換個新look會唔會都有請機器人,再離譜啲,應該會有人用AI整完張相叫朋友跟住張相咁影。

AI-generated images may not be suitable for commercial use right now, they are much simpler and faster to use as ...

Showing 101-110 of 9622 entries