#Hej哥本哈根 (4)「些粉」
哥本哈根之旅有太多驚喜同發現,不過講到感動,竟然係到步機場遍布角落的7 Eleven,仲要係無店員嘅自助式便利店,雪櫃打開揀完Tap&GO, 講個信字,咖啡機乾淨企理到我覺得返咗鄉下。
雖然嚟英國住已經習慣咗Sainsbury Local, Tesco Express, Co-op… 等等迷你版超市,不過便利店真係亞洲情意結,諗起香港隨時隨地都可以買到燒賣司華力腸,日本可以隨時買到宵夜雪糕關東煮仲有ファミチキ,無咗零食,換嚟係懶健康凍冰冰嘅三文治加薯片當正餐嘅Meal Deal, 真係睇見都唔開胃。
至於哥本哈根式「些粉」又賣啲乜?好似上個post咁講,除咗日以繼夜Refill 滿嘅丹麥酥牛角包,仲有pizza同睇落幾唔錯嘅乳酪杯,仲有好似北歐都幾流行嘅熱狗腸。
The trip to Copenhagen is full of surprises and discoveries, but when it comes to touching moments, I would think of 7-Eleven found everywhere at the airport. It’s a self-service convenience store without staff. Just pick what you want in the fridge, and tap to pay. The coffee machine is so clean and tidy that it feels like I’ve returned to Japan.
No matter how convenient we have Sainsbury Local, Tesco Express, Co-op, and other mini supermarkets, I am still missing the convenience stores in Asian cities. In Hong Kong, you can buy siu mai and sausage anytime, anywhere, and in Japan, you can get late-night ice cream, oden, and handy fried chicken at any time. Without these snacks, what we get here is an unappetising Meal Deal of cold sandwiches with chips – a far cry from the tempting options.
As for the Copenhagen-style 7-Eleven, besides the continuously replenished Danish croissants, there are also pizzas and seemingly delicious yoghurt cups, along with hot dogs that are quite popular in Nordic countries.
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